Blue Dominican Amber
Blue Dominican Amber
———We specialize in wholesale distribution of rare Blue Dominican Amber (ask for our MOQ). While official figures are unavailable, it is estimated that top-grade Blue Dominican Amber is found in quantities of up to 50 kilograms per year. High-grade Blue Amber likely has an annual output of approximately 250 kilograms, while the regular grade quality does not exceed 900 kilograms per year. The latter is the grade we commonly offer, as high quality blue amber is rare and expensive. In comparison, gem-quality diamonds have a staggering annual production of 130 million carats, equivalent to 26,000 kilograms or 26 metric tons. Despite common belief, diamonds are not rare within the Earth’s…
Blue Dominican Amber Information
Why is it blue?By Alec Corday The short answer would be that the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, produced through a thermal polymerization process initiated via irradiation, relax to their ground state, absorb high-energy ultraviolet photons and re-emit them as lower-energy visible photons, according to the absorbance curve of the particular fluorophore. Read it again, maybe it will make more sense. For the rest of us who just judiciously nodded their heads in awe at the deep words above, but truly in their hearts know that they understood diddly-squat (you know who you are), let’s try this again. First, what is the overall difference between Blue Dominican Amber and Ordinary Amber? Besides…